Boy o boy have I made cake pops since my last post! I did some Winter Wonderland ones with swirls in white & blue and then sprinkled them with sugar crystals for a Christmas party we attended. They were a hit! I also made chocolate gingerbread men, real cute, if I must say. The more I make these the more ideas I get for new designs, and that's a good thing. I made snowmen with hats and some with ear muffs, I remember wearing those things in CT, lol. I even came up with some with themes of Hannakuh, Kwanza and Three Kings, something for everyone! I was especially proud of the New Year's ones which were the Times Square Ball dropping, I came up with it all by myself, thank you very much! I did babies with bonnets that are adorable and rattles. I made red and green apples with stems and leaves, I had a ball making these! So, eat your apples for a healthy snack and have my apple cake pop when you have a dessert craving. I also made baseballs and popcorn great for sports related get-togethers or for movie night.
When we were in CT I asked my sister and her family to give me the flavor of a cake pop they would like to try. So, my task was to come up with German Chocolate, Coconut Almond Joy and Pineapple, yummy! I also promised an Aunt some carrot cake ones and with some of that mix I made Lions, Tigers and Bears (oh my). Lastly I have been experimenting with cookie pops, not as time and labor intensive. They are made with a sandwich type cookie like Oreos, the crunch when you bite into it is amazing and satisfying. I will be offering those dipped with drizzle or sprinkle for $1 each or decorated for $1.50 each with a 1 dozen minimum. I also bought some Nutter Butter cookies and will be coming up for designs for those, so stay tune.
And, in case you forgot the regular price for cake pops with a drizzle or sprinkles is $2 each and 2.50 for the decorated ones or alcohol containing. Lastly for anything that is more difficult it's $3. These are also a 1 dozen minimum. While I was doing my research on my competition, I discovered someone charging $4 for a Minnie Mouse cake pop, my version is $2.50 for now! I also found someone selling a sprinkled cake pop for $8, which I think is totally insane! I have thought long and hard before setting my prices so they could be fair.
Shipping is USPS Priority $5 -$10 depending on box size I need, I can also do USPS EXPRESS if anyone wants to.
I am just starting to toy around the idea of making chocolate covered strawberries! I do live close to Strawberry Winter Capital, Plant City Florida. Would anyone be interested?
If anyone wants a particular design just ask if I can make it. Over the next months I will continue to post pics of my creations. Please consult me so we can brainstorm any idea you might have. Also remember you get to pick the flavor of cake, frosting and coating you want.